How Long Does Dental Bonding Last?

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — glammdentistry @ 3:19 pm
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Do you have small flaws in your teeth? Chips, cracks, or stains can make you feel more self-conscious. Luckily, there are solutions in cosmetic dentistry to remedy these problems. Dental bonding involves filling or covering the damaged area with composite resin. The process can be completed in a single visit.

Dental bonding is a long-term solution to minor dental defects, but it is not a truly permanent fix. When properly maintained, it can last for about five to seven years, but bad oral hygiene habits can whittle away that life span. Here’s how to get the most time out of your dental bonds before needing replacement.

What Can I Do to Maintain My Dental Bonding?

While composite resin is a strong material, it does not have the durability of your natural enamel and will damage or stain over time. Accordingly, it needs some special care to keep everything together.

First and foremost, nothing changes about all the usual rules of dental hygiene. Brush twice and floss at least once a day. Schedule biannual cleanings with your dentist.

Since the bonding is not as strong as enamel, you should be careful about what and how you are chewing. Don’t put unnecessary strain and pressure on the bonded tooth. This means you shouldn’t bite your fingernails, idly chew things like pen caps, or use your teeth to open packages or glass bottles. Avoid biting down hard on things like candy, ice, or crunchy foods.

Dental bonds are also vulnerable to staining. To keep the bond a pearly white against your natural teeth, avoid foods with added color or dyes and drinks like tea, coffee, and red wine. Smoking tobacco is an especially notorious perpetrator of tooth stains. It is best to give up smoking completely.

Of What Other Factors Should I Be Aware?

There are some factors that can affect your dental bonding work that are outside of your direct control.

If the bonding is at the edge of the tooth or on the front teeth, it is more exposed to wear and pressure and more likely to crack.

An imperfect bite can put disproportionate strain on dental bonding work by distributing the bite’s force inefficiently or putting the bonded area too far into harm’s way. This can cause it to wear down more quickly than it would otherwise. An imperfect bite can be corrected by methods used to straighten teeth.

Bruxism, or grinding of teeth, can damage the bond. Bruxism often occurs involuntarily during sleep. This condition can be managed with a custom mouthguard from your dentist. You shape the mouthguard into a custom fit to your mouth and wear it at night to protect your natural teeth, dental bonding, and jawbone from damage. In fact, wearing a mouthguard at night can prevent further chips and cracks and the need for dental bonding work in the future.

Dental bonding can restore the teeth from unsightly flaws for years after being applied. With good maintenance and awareness of the bond’s limitations, you can preserve the work for the better part of a decade before needing replacement.

About the Author

Dr. Jayme Glamm earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry before her prestigious General Practice Residency at the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine where she received advanced training in dental implant placement, IV sedation, third molar extractions, complex prosthodontics, and more. She leads the crack team at Glamm Dentistry to provide the community of Columbus, OH, with the best and most compassionate dental care. To learn more bout cosmetic dentistry, contact her online or dial (614) 487-0112.

 [LW1]You could also highlight that she completed a general residency after dental school, and there’s a long list of her accomplishments on the bio page you could talk about here as well.

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