Shifty Smiles: Can I Get Invisalign After Braces?

April 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — glammdentistry @ 6:40 pm
Woman in a yellow shirt pointing to her smile with one hand and holding Invisalign with the other

Invisalign is a popular way to straighten your smile if you don’t want to have braces bonded to your teeth. Instead of using metal brackets and wires, this method relies on clear plastic trays that fit over your pearly whites to gently reposition them. Plus, it often takes only 12 months to finish treatment compared to years with traditional orthodontics.

If you’ve already had braces and noticed that your teeth are drifting out of place after the fact, you might wonder whether Invisalign is a feasible solution. Keep reading to learn more about why this happens and whether clear aligners can help!

Why Did My Teeth Shift Back?

We tend to think of our teeth as immovable structures in our mouths when in fact they’re held in place with ligaments that have a certain amount of elasticity. Years with braces can pull them into their ideal placements, but then once the braces are gone, it’s possible for them to relapse. This could be due to several potential causes, including:

  • Not wearing your retainer. One of the most common reasons pearly whites move out of position is because you didn’t wear your retainer as recommended once your braces were removed. The muscles in your mouth have a memory and if you don’t give your mouth adequate time to adjust to the new alignment, they’ll pull your teeth to their original spots. Wearing your retainer for the allotted time keeps your smile straight while giving your mouth time to get used to the changes.
  • Wisdom teeth. These late-arrivers are infamous for overcrowding your mouth when they finally decide to grow in. If you had braces as a young adult and they were removed before your wisdom teeth showed up, they may have pushed things out of place.
  • Teeth grinding. If you suffer from bruxism, or chronic teeth grinding, then the added pressure of clenching your top and bottom arches can cause your chompers to move out of alignment and wear down prematurely.

Can Invisalign Restraighten My Teeth?

Fortunately, Invisalign is a great way to correct your grin if you’ve experienced relapse after traditional orthodontics. That said, you’ll need to wear the aligners as directed to have the intended impact. They should remain in your mouth for 22 hours every day which means you’ll essentially only remove them for meals and cleanings. Every 1 to 2 weeks, your dentist will provide a new set of trays to account for the ongoing movement of your teeth. Then, every 6 to 8 weeks you can expect to have a checkup with them so they can ensure everything is shifting as intended.

Regardless of whether you’ve already had orthodontic treatment, Invisalign can help you achieve the perfectly straight smile of your dreams!

About the Author

Dr. Jayme Glamm loves helping people improve their lives by enhancing their oral health. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition at Ohio State University and then earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery at Ohio State University College of Dentistry. Now, she has more than 15 years of experience providing a full array of services under one roof, including Invisalign. She takes the time to get to know you and your unique dental needs, then uses state-of-the-art technology to provide fully individualized treatments to meet them. If you’re interested in realigning your grin and would like a consultation, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (614) 487-0112.

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